Are you ready to drive change and create impactful #AI solutions? The AI Hub for Sustainable Development Co-Design: #Startup Acceleration Pilot is now receiving applications! This is your chance to collaborate with leading universities, research institutes, and private sector companies to address key challenges in data, green compute and talent development.
The AI Hub for Sustainable Development Co-Design: Startup Acceleration Pilot is designed to inform the design and development of the AI Hub for Sustainable Development, co-led by the Italian G7 Presidency and the United Nations Development Programme. This involves the participation of partners supporting the learning journey of this pilot, which include the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), CDP Venture Capital SGR (CDP), the Italian Innovation and Culture Hub (INNOVIT), and ITU AI for Good.
Pilot Countries: Algeria, DRC, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique, Côte D’Ivoire, Tunisia
Key Pillars: Compute, Talent, Data
Successful applicants will join us in San Francisco this November to showcase their innovations.
Apply before 5th of August 2024! AI Hub for Sustainable Development Co-Design | United Nations Development Programme (